difuruns frum Inglish discriibd biloo
Glish alfubet (23 letr)
a b c d e f g h i j l m n o p r s t u v w y z
aa ee ii oo uu ou ch dh sh th zh ng
funetic speling olwaaz enfoorsd unles propr naam.
funetic curuntlee baasd on modufiid vurzhn uv CMU prunawnsing dicshuneree.
wrd with saam speling can hav multipl meening.
see prununseeaashn secshn foor foul IPA funetic maping
“k”, “q” and “x” nevr yuuzd
“c” olwaaz sawnd liic “k” icsept in “ch”
dubl consunnt not yuuzd (ig. “rotn”) unles letr prunawnsd 2x (ig. "consunnt", "brandd")
noo siilnt letr (ig. “often” --> "ofn")
numbr olwaaz repruzentd az Arubic nuumrl. (ig. "0" insteduv "zero", "1" insteduv "one", "2" insteduv "two")
numbr prunawnst saam as Inglish icwivulnt. (ig. "wun", "tuu", "three")
multipl olwaaz repruzentd az Arubic nuumrl +"x". (ig. "2x" insteduv "twice")
multipl prunawnst with number + "cs". (ig. "wuncs", "tuucs", "threecs")
oordr olwaaz repruzentd az Arubic nuumrl + "th". (ig. "2th" insteduv "2nd")
oordr prunawnst with numbr + "th" (ig. "wunth", "tuuth", "threeth")
11-19 prunawnst "ten" + numbr (ig. "tenwun", "tentuu", "tenthree")
propr naam
propr naam maa yuuz Glish oor naativ speling. (ig. “Inglish” oor “English”, “Mureeu” oor “Maria”) propr naam shoud capitliizd.
upostrufee nevr yuuzd in cuntracshn. (ig. "havent" insteduv "haven't")