What is Glish?


Glish is a modern language based on English, but with consistent phonetics and simplified grammar.  Glish is easy to learn as it is predictable, yet it follows English vocabulary.  For example, verb conjugation is never irregular, all words are phonetically spelled, articles and gender are eliminated and punctuation is consistent and simple.  Almost all words sound the same as in English, and anyone who can understand English will understand Glish.  It kind of looks like Dutch and sounds like caveman English, and it's strangely fun to use.


Glish modrn langwuj baasd on Inglish, but with cunsistnt funetics and simplufiid gramr. Glish eezee tuu lrn az it pridictubl, yet it foloo inglish voocabyuleree. foor igzampl, vrb conjugaashn nevr iregyulr, ol wrd funeticlee speld, ortucl and jendr ilimunaatd and pungcchuuaashn cunsistnt and simpl. olmoost ol wrd sawnd saam az in Inglish, and eneewun huu can undurstand Inglish wil undurstand Glish. it ciinduv louc liic Duch and sawnd liic Caavman Inglish, and it straanjlee fun tuu yuuz.

trii it:

(Glish tranzlaatr in baatu and uvaalubl on GitHub)